eucalyptus essential oil pregnancy
Is It Safe to Use Eucalyptus Oil During Pregnancy?

The use of eucalyptus essential oil during pregnancy is a topic that deserves caution. Although eucalyptus has many benefits (such as relieving congestion, improving breathing, and having antibacterial properties), its use in pregnant women should be cautious to avoid possible adverse effects. Here I give you some recommendations on its use and alternatives.

Is it Safe to Use Eucalyptus Oil During Pregnancy?

In general, essential oils can be absorbed through the skin and respiratory system, and some compounds can cross the placenta, so it is essential to check if they are safe during pregnancy. Eucalyptus oil is not considered one of the most restrictive essential oils in pregnancy, but it should be used in small quantities and always diluted appropriately.

Recommendations for the Use of Eucalyptus Essential Oil During Pregnancy

  1. Diluted and in Low Concentrations: If you decide to use it, make sure to dilute the essential oil well in a carrier oil (such as coconut or sweet almond oil). A concentration of 1% or less (one drop of essential oil per 5 ml of carrier oil) is generally considered safe for external use.

  2. Use in Diffuser or Inhalation: Inhaling eucalyptus can help decongest and relieve mild respiratory problems, especially useful in pregnancy when cold medications are limited. Add just a few drops to a diffuser and be sure to use it in a well-ventilated area.

  3. Massage or Topical Application: For muscle pain or circulation problems, mix diluted eucalyptus with a carrier oil and apply it to areas such as the back or legs. However, avoid applying directly to the abdomen or chest.

  4. Avoid Prolonged Use: During pregnancy, it is recommended to use essential oils only sporadically or in short periods, to avoid any type of sensitivity or cumulative effects.

Safe Alternatives to Eucalyptus During Pregnancy

If you prefer to avoid eucalyptus, there are other safe options to relieve congestion and promote relaxation during pregnancy:

  • Lavender essential oil: Relaxing and safe for most pregnant women, it helps reduce anxiety and improve sleep.
  • Frankincense essential oil: With calming and anti-inflammatory properties, frankincense is generally safe and can help with breathing and relaxation.
  • Lemon essential oil: It has a refreshing aroma, helps combat nausea and can relieve congestion.

General Precautions

  • Consult with a Professional: It is always advisable to speak with a doctor or certified aromatherapist before using essential oils during pregnancy.
  • Avoid Internal Use: Do not ingest essential oils during pregnancy, as they can have negative effects on the digestive system and other organs.
  • Avoid Eucalyptus Oil in the First Trimester: During this period, the risk of sensitivity and adverse effects is greater, so it is preferable to limit or avoid its use.


Eucalyptus essential oil can be used in moderation and diluted during pregnancy, mainly for congestion and relief of respiratory discomfort. However, it is always important to consult a professional and make sure to use it wisely.

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