Eucalyptus Globulus essential oil "eucalyptus globulus"

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Eucalyptus globulus essential oil is obtained from the leaves and branches of the Eucalyptus globulus species. This essential oil has been traditionally used in medicine and industry, and various beneficial health properties are attributed to it.

Origin: Eucalyptus globulus It is native to Australia, but is also cultivated in other countries such as China, India, Portugal and Brazil.

Properties: The essential oil Eucalyptus globulus has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antifungal, antimicrobial, expectorant and decongestant properties. Antiviral and antioxidant properties are also attributed to it.

Usos: El aceite esencial de eucalipto globulus se utiliza en la aromaterapia para aliviar la congestión nasal, la tos y los síntomas de las infecciones respiratorias. También se utiliza en la industria para la fabricación de productos cosméticos y de limpieza, así como en la elaboración de perfumes y fragancias.

Obtaining method: The Eucalyptus globulus essential oil is obtained through steam distillation of the leaves and branches of the plant. A large amount of plant material is needed to produce a small amount of essential oil, so the process of obtaining it is quite expensive.

In summary, eucalyptus globulus essential oil is valued for its beneficial health properties and its fresh and invigorating aroma. It is obtained by steam distillation of the leaves and branches of the plant, and is used in medicine, aromatherapy and industry.

Botanical name: Eucalyptus globulus
INC: eucalyptus globulus leaf oil
Family: Mirtácea
Part used: leaves and branches
Cultivation: Organic / Conventional
Main components: 1-8- CINEOL, a-PINENO
CAS: 8000-48-4 / 84625-32-1
EINECS: 283-406-2

Specifications for Eucalyptus Globulus essential oil "eucalyptus globulus"

Quality BIO or Conventional