BIO Coconut Vegetable Oil Ref "cocos nucifera"

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Coconut vegetable oil is a natural product obtained from the mature pulp of the coconut. Its origin dates back to India, where it was already used for multiple uses more than 4,000 years ago.

The properties of coconut vegetable oil are very varied, one of the most notable being its high content of fatty acids. saturated medium chain, which make it an excellent moisturizer for skin and hair. In addition, it also has antibacterial and antiviral properties, making it useful for treating wounds or infections.

This vegetable oil is used in numerous applications, from cosmetics to cooking. In the field of cosmetics, it is used as an ingredient in moisturizing creams, hair conditioners, body lotions and soaps. In cooking, it is used as a cooking oil or as an ingredient in pastry recipes.

Coconut vegetable oil is obtained through a cold pressing process from the coconut meat. The result is a light yellow oil with a sweet and pleasant aroma.

The botanical name of coconut is Cocos nucifera. Regarding the INCI (International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients) nomenclature, coconut vegetable oil is represented as "Cocos nucifera oil". Its CAS number is 8001-31-8.

The main components of coconut vegetable oil are lauric acid, caprylic acid, capric acid and myristic acid. It also contains vitamin E and oleic acid, among other minor components.

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