White Spruce Essential Oil "abies alba miller"

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Silver fir essential oil is obtained by distilling the needles and young branches of the white fir tree (Abies alba). This tree is native to Europe and is found in much of the Mediterranean region.

Silver fir essential oil has a fresh, herbaceous scent and is used primarily in aromatherapy to relieve fatigue, stress, and anxiety. It is also used in the cosmetics industry for perfumes and skin care products.

Some properties of white fir essential oil are:

Anti-inflammatory: It can reduce inflammation in the body.

Expectorant: Helps relieve congestion and cough.

Analgesic: can reduce pain in the body.

Antimicrobial: It can prevent the growth of microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi.

White fir essential oil can be used in a number of ways, such as by direct inhalation, topical application diluted in a carrier oil, or in aromatherapy diffusers.

It is important to note that, as with any essential oil, caution is necessary when using it and it is always advisable to dilute it before applying it to the skin. It is also recommended not to ingest essential oils without the supervision of a health professional.

Botanical name: Abies alba Family: Abietaceae Part used: Needles Cultivation: Bio / Conventional Main components: Alpha-pinene, limonene CAS: 90028-76-5 EINECS: 289-870-2

Specifications for White Spruce Essential Oil "abies alba miller"

Quality Conventional